No. 1
P. Varul. Elucidatory notes on the Bankruptcy Law. (p. 2)
U. Lõhmus. Trustee in bankruptcy. (p 13)
I. Orgo. Tasks of the trustee in bankruptcy in the protection of the employees of a bankrupt enterprise and creditors in working relations. (p. 16)
M. Seppik. Some problems of the legal procedure in bankruptcy cases. (p. 18)
A. Verliin. On some problems in the organization of the bankruptcy in an agricultural enterprise. (p. 19)
U. Lõhmus. Crimes connected with bankruptcy. (p. 21)
U. Soots. On the possibilities of the avoidance of bankruptcy in the case of insolvency. (p. 23)
T. Haldma. Financial Analysis in bankruptcy proceedings. (p. 25)
T. Mitt. Roof of the chamber already holds water (p. 28)
R. Narits. Studies in Europe I (p. 30)
P. Pruks. Support programme of the legal reform of the Open Estonian Foundation (p. 31)
A. Kirs. Competition of competitive works of the State Prosecutor's Office (p. 31)
A. Kalvi. Notable day at the Faculty of Law (p. 32)
No. 2
J. Odar. Laws of civil court proceedings. (p. 34)
D. Kiidjärv. On the application of the new laws of the management of civil cases in the first–stage court. (p. 37)
P Jerofejev. Appellate proceedings. (p. 41)
J. Odar. Proceedings of a civil case in the National Court. (p. 45)
K. Merusk. Competence of the administrative court. (p. 47)
I. Koolmeister. Procedure parties in administrative court proceedings. (p. 51)
K. Merusk. Decision proceedings. (p. 54)
No. 3
H. Lindmäe. On the history of the Estonian police. (p. 58)
R. Maruste, H. Schneider. Theoretical basis of the seclusion of authorities and some practical problems in Estonia. (p. 64)
R. Narits. Should votes be weighed or counted? (p. 66)
S. Värv. On termless land use after the Land Reform Law from November 1, 1991 to April 15, 1993. (p. 69)
H. Veinla. Extent of the tenement to the bowels of the earth and mineral resources. (p. 71)
A. Siibak. On tax concessions for companies with foreign participation in the countries of Eastern Europe. (p. 72)
A. Siibak. Requirements for the Establishment of a foreign-owned eterprise and participation in it in some Baltic and East-European states (2). (p. 74)
A. Kalvi. Forms of the use of copyrighted works (p. 75)
R. Narits. Studies in Europe II (p. 77)
P. Järvelaid. Code civil des Francais – 190 (p. 80)
No. 4
A. Pohla. Exterritorial application of the legislative jurisdiction of the United States of America in antitrust justice (p. 82)
K. Merusk. Legal persons of the public law in the legal order in force. (p. 85)
I. Orgo. Labour Contract Law and its application at the cessation of a labour contract law. (p. 87)
H. Pisuke. Are the author's rights inalienable? (p. 89)
A. Kalvi. Patent Cooperation Treaty and industrial property protection in Estonia (p. 90)
S. Värv. On the expropriation of an immovable thing in the draft of planning and building regulations. (p. 91)
A. Eiche. On offshore dues (p. 92)
T. Kerikmäe. About Interpretation of European Convention on Human Rights. (p. 94)
R. Narits. Studies in Europe III (p. 96)
A. Vutt. Admission to the European Community Law (p. 98)
J. Seilenthal. New possibility of advanced training: Advanced Training Centre for Lawyers (p. 99)
German legal practice suffices even for Estonia. Discussion (p. 100)
No. 5
Speech by the Lord Chief Justice K. Parts at the meeting dedicated to the leaving of Riigikohus (the National Court) at the theatre ”Vanemuine” of February 12, 1935 (p. 102)
R. Maruste. Court reform: at the beginning of the end or at the end of the beginning? (p. 103)
P. Vaher, T. Kollom. Licence Board of the National Court. (p. 106)
J. Ilvest. Criminal Board at the beginning of its way. (p. 107)
J. Odar. Some developments in the Estonian civil procedure. (p. 108)
A. Avi. Legal Information Departement of the National Court. (p. 110)
S. Kaljumäe. The Training of Judges at the National Court. (p. 110)
H. Schneider. Terms and fixed dates in the Estonian Constitution. (p. 111)
J. Põld. Right of veto of President of the Republic. (p. 114)
R. Maruste. On the leading case. (p. 116)
E. Kergandberg. Some approaches of legal sociology to legal procedure. (p. 118)
No. 6
K. Merusk. Public service contra labour law. (p. 131)
H. Siigur. Wage Law. (p. 133)
H. Siigur. Order of the calculation of average wages. (p. 139)
L. Käis. Some problems connected with the alteration of the conditions of the labour contract. (p. 140)
I. Orgo. Disputabilities in the application of the Law of Working Time and Time of Rest. (p. 143)
No. 7
I.–M. Orgo. Cessation of the labour contract at the employee`s initiative. (p. 158)
M. Muda. On the ratification of the conventions of the International Labour Organization. (p. 160)
V. Lappalainen. Attempts to guarantee free competition. Some comments on the new Estonian competition law. (p. 161)
J. Erelt. Superficies solo cedit: Revival of the Baltic Private Law. (p. 164)
E. Ploom. On the necessity of the re–establishment of state purveyances in the Republic of Estonia. (p. 166)
P. Kama. Commercial register coming. (p. 167)
A. Uritam. Some aspects connected with broadcasting organizations in copyright and neighbouring rights. (p. 169)
L. Lehis. Legal regulation of guard duty and security services. (p. 172)
E. Kergandberg. On medical law, especially in connection with transplantation. (p. 175)
M. Lokk. Magister iuris Artur Mägi – 90 (p. 177)
I. Jürgen. Students of Tartu in Salzburg (p. 179)
A. Kalvi. Law students at the Eurofaculty (p. 179)
No. 8
The Act of General Principles of the Civil Code.
P. Varul. Part I General provisions. (p. 182)
P. Varul. Part II Persons. Chapter 1. General provisions. (p. 183)
P. Varul. Chapter 2. Natural persons. Subchapter 1. General legal capacity and capacity to make Juridical Acts. (p. 183)
Subchapter 2. Kinship and affinity. (p. 183)
Subchapter 3. Domicile. (p. 183)
M. Kingisepp. Subchapter 4. Protection of personal rights. (p. 184)
M. Seppik. Subchapter 5. Absent person. Declaration of Death. (p. 185)
A. Vutt. Chapter 3. Legal Persons. (p. 186)
P. Varul. Part III Rise, modification and termination of civil rights and obligations. Chapter 4. General provisions. (p. 190)
R. Sõlg. Chapter 5. Transactions. (p. 192)
V. Kõve. Chapter 6. Representation. (p. 196)
P. Kask. Chapter 7. Term and date. (p. 197)
P. Kask. Part IV Exercise of civil rights and their protection. Chapter 8. Exercise of civil rights and ways of their protection. (p. 199)
Chapter 9. Expiration. (p. 199)
H. Pisuke. Part V Private international law provisions. (p. 201)
P. Varul. Part VI Provisions enforcement. (p. 205)
J. Seilenthal. Advanced Training Centre for Lawyers (p. 206)
No. 9
A. Vutt. Non-profit organizations and their unions. (p. 210)
E. Salumäe. On the application of the Law of Churches and Congregations. (p. 211)
A. Neljas. The Party Law and the next elections. (p. 213)
I. Kull. Introduction to the problem: precontractual liability. (p. 214)
H. Pisuke. Consumer protection: its theoretical and legal basis. (p. 216)
H. Sepp. Termination of the lease of a living room and its preschedule cessation. (p. 217)
H. Siigur. Business trip. (p. 219)
H. Veinla. Restrictions on real property imposed under the Act on Protected Natural Objects. (p. 220)
A. Vutt. Bookkeeping Law. (p. 222)
T. Kerikmäe. Changes in European protective system of Human Rights. (p. 223)
K. Callow. The Rules of judicial ethics. (p. 224)
P. Jerofejev. Some explicative notes on the Etiquette of the Estonian Judges. (p. 225)
R. Narits. Interpreting: science or law? (p. 228)
P. Järvelaid. The Faculty of Law of the University of Tartu in the 21st century. (p. 230)
No. 10
E. Kergandberg. Some prompt comments and opinions on the Law of the Alteration and Amendment of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Estonian S.S.R. and some other laws. (p. 234)
R. Maruste. Judicial supervision of constitutionality. (p. 242)
H. Sepp. Habitation Law needs amendments. (p. 245)
L. Roos. On product liability. (p. 247)
G. T. Laurie. Patient's autonomy – realty or fiction? (p. 250)
E. Kergandberg. Patient's autonomy in Estonia? (p. 251)
P. Järvelaid. New lawyers' lexicons in Europe. (p. 252)
P. Pruks. Results of the competition of juridical research works of
the Open Estonian Foundation. (p. 255)