

This article is an overview of the author’s LL.B thesis defended this spring. Homosexualism was a phenomenon concerning only men in ancient Greek and Roman legislation. In Greece and Rome, sexual roles in homosexual relationships were divided such that only an adult man could perform the active role of a man. Rome is a state where a change in the degree of tolerance towards homosexualism is best observed in the course of times. With the establishment of Christianity as the state religion, homosexualism became punishable. In the Middle Ages, indecent crimes, including homosexualism, were governed by ecclesiastical law. In modern times, provisions concerning homosexualism became part of family law only in the second half of this century.
At present, it is important to make the general public in Estonia aware of issues relating to homosexualism. In the author’s opinion, rules which prohibit discrimination of homosexuals and allow for their marriages should be included in the legislation.

